6 Tips Most Students Ignore, but You Shouldn’t

You’re scrolling through your phone, watching those assignment deadlines approaching fast, and that sinking feeling starts to settle in. “I wish I had started earlier,” you think, taking a quick glance at an ad for “get help with my assignment” from a reputable company. Familiar situation? 

College life is a blend of exhilaration, newfound freedom, and, let’s admit it, plenty of overwhelming moments. It’s easy to fall into the same patterns as your peers, but there are several tips and tricks most students overlook.

The ‘Two-Day’ Rule

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/YKtxjGsl1BY 

Ah, procrastination—that dreaded monster we all combat in the academic arena. While it might seem tempting to push tasks off for another day (because, let’s be real, that new Netflix series isn’t going to watch itself), it’s essential to maintain consistency in our academic endeavors. 

This is where the ‘two-day’ rule shines.

Why does this rule matter? Simple: habits. You see, our brains are wired to pick up and repeat behaviors. If we push a task off one day, it becomes slightly easier to do the same the next day. 

By ensuring we never skip two days in a row, we are training our brains to recognize studying as a routine task, not an occasional one.

Moreover, when you skip multiple days:

  • The task grows in your mind. What may have started as a 30-minute reading can morph into an intimidating 3-hour marathon.
  • You lose touch with previous content. Coming back after a long gap means you’ll spend more time refreshing what you learned previously than progressing.

In fact, many renowned figures, from writers to athletes, advocate for the importance of consistency. Stephen King, for instance, writes every single day to maintain his momentum. 

Now, you don’t have to study every day. But try to keep that regular rhythm so that you never feel entirely disconnected from your academic tasks.

Brain Feeding: The Right Diet

Yes, you’ve probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but how much have you considered its implications on your academic performance? 

In the hustle of college life, many students find themselves reaching for the quickest and easiest food options. Those often tend to be processed foods or high in sugars. While they might give an instant energy kick, the long-term effects are less than ideal.

Despite being just 2% of our body weight, the brain consumes about 20% of our daily energy intake. This makes its nutritional demands high. 

Let’s dive deeper into why some of these foods are coined as “brain foods”:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Found in fish like salmon, they help build nerve cells crucial for learning and memory. Countries with higher fish consumption often see better academic results and lower instances of brain-related diseases.
  • Blueberries. They can slow down brain aging and improve memory. Eat blueberries regularly to enjoy the long-term benefits.
  • Turmeric. This spice boosts serotonin and dopamine, which improve mood—a crucial factor when you’re battling college stress.

Beyond these, it’s also essential to stay hydrated. Even slight dehydration can impair attention, long-term and short-term memory, and decision-making abilities.

A good practice is to plan your meals. Instead of spontaneous decisions, if you have a set menu (which can include some cheat days, of course), it ensures you get a balanced intake. 

Experts from AssignmentMaster often emphasize holistic health and its relation to academic performance. After all, a well-fed brain is more likely to produce stellar assignments than one running on coffee and instant noodles.

Audiobooks Aren’t Just for Novels

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/2ALQUTD5MKc 

Switch it up a little! Instead of always reading course material, consider listening to related audiobooks or podcasts. They’re perfect for commutes, workouts, or even doing laundry. It’s an effective way to absorb information differently.

Active Rest Is Better than Passive Rest

Instead of binge-watching a show (which, let’s admit, we all love), sometimes opt for active rest activities. These could include:

  • Light walks;
  • Sketching or coloring;
  • Playing a musical instrument;
  • Gardening.

These activities rest the part of your brain used for studying while engaging another, offering genuine relaxation.

The Power of Scent

Scents can significantly impact memory recall. Consider studying with a particular scent, like lavender or rosemary. When it’s exam time, reintroduce that scent. It may help jog your memory.

The Underrated Study Technique: Teach to Learn

One of the best ways to ensure you’ve understood something is to teach it. Grab a friend (or an imaginary one), and explain concepts aloud. It reinforces knowledge and points out gaps in understanding.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Hdh73SJ6Ygg 

Reasons Why Students Often Overlook These Tips

While there’s plenty of advice floating around, why do students often miss out on these nuggets of wisdom? Here are a few reasons:

  • Common myths. Some believe cramming is the best way to study. Spoiler: It’s not.
  • Peer pressure. When everyone’s ordering takeout, it’s hard to munch on a salad.
  • Unawareness. Many simply don’t know these tips. That’s where helpful resources like this article come in.

How to Implement These Tips Consistently

Here’s a list to get started:

  1. Set Clear Intentions. Begin every day with a clear idea of what you wish to accomplish.
  2. Use Reminders. Whether it’s a phone app or sticky notes, reminders can keep you on track.
  3. Study with a friend. Keep each other updated on your progress.
  4. Reflect Weekly. At the end of the week, reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Adjust accordingly.
  5. Stay Updated. Bookmark a bunch of websites that frequently share valuable tips, trends, and techniques. Make it a habit to regularly check in.

Wrapping Up

College life is more than just grades and exams. It’s a learning curve, a journey of self-discovery. While it’s easy to get lost in the vast sea of assignments, remember that resources like AssignmentMaster are there to guide you. 

It’s the little things, the minor changes in habits, that can result in significant improvements. Don’t let valuable tips slip through the cracks. Implement, adapt, and watch as these subtle shifts pave the way for a richer, more fruitful college experience.

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