ARTinoise are The Italian instrument Masterminds Behind the Re.corder

1595939825581 ARTinoise are The Italian instrument Masterminds Behind the Re.corder

Artinoise Srl, founded in 2017 and listed in the special register of MIUR (Italian Ministry for Instruction, Universities and Scientific Research) Innovative Startup, is an Italian company which designs, develops and manufactures innovative digital musical instruments to let young and old people experience, learn and play music.

We are located in central Italy, in a well developed industrial area with a wide availability of competencies. Our region, Marche, has always been a focal point of electronic musical instruments development, giving birth to world known companies like Farfisa, Eco, Elka, Siel, Crumar and many others!

The company’s most recent pioneer digital wind instrument, the Re.corder, has already made waves throughout the music education community—allowing teachers to transform their classes into full orchestras by assigning different sounds and parts to each student. With plans to launch a new instrument soon, ARTinoise’s journey of designing and creating fun, inclusive, and accessible instruments is just beginning.

“Over the years, we have been lucky enough to hear from Re.corder players all over the world, including educators who see the instrument as an easy way to introduce ensemble music in classes where they otherwise wouldn’t be able to due to limited space, level of knowledge, or curriculum,” says ARTinoise founder and CTO Davide Mancini. “Some secondary schools are experimenting with ‘digital music production labs’ and using the Re.corder in place of bigger and bulkier MIDI controllers.”

The Re.corder shifts the traditional recorder from a mere elementary school rite of passage into a contemporary instrument that appeals to a wide range of musicians. Its traditional recorder functionality allows for covering the basics of music, while its MIDI capabilities blast open the doors to music recording and production.

Used in tandem with its app for Android and iOS, the Re.corder allows teachers to create entire orchestras in their classes, let students practice on headphones, and further encourage inclusivity. With a special lip presence sensor and customizable keyboard options, the Re.corder invites players of all abilities to experience the music.

Founded in 2017, ARTinoise is located in Marche, a region in central Italy with a rich history of musical instrument development which gave birth to globally known companies like Farfisa and Eco. Marche is the natural setting for ARTinoise founder and CTO Davide Mancini’s background as both a musician and inventor.

Mancini started performing music with his friends in middle school, recreating songs they heard on the radio with makeshift instruments from recorders to cans and sticks, but his first real instrument, the tiny quirky Casio VL keyboard, introduced him to a whole new world of electronics. From there, Mancini advanced onto more powerful synths, then learned the recording and producing process using 4-track tape recorders.

Following this passion, Mancini studied electronics in college—eventually gaining the knowledge to build his own instruments. While working as a firmware and hardware designer for a major appliance manufacturer post-graduation, he started tinkering and applying what he learned from the appliances to instruments like modular synthesizers, and later created modular synthesizer brand soundmachines in 2015. Since the inception of ARTinoise, Mancini and his team have journeyed through uncharted waters, like mechanical design, large scale production, worldwide certifications, distribution networks and B2C marketing to bring their instrument concepts to life.

“While we are thrilled with the success of the Re.corder, it is just the beginning for us,” says Mancini. “While I can’t say too much yet, ARTinoise is currently developing another very universal instrument that will further our mission of making music for all.”

ARTinoise re.corder – more than a re.corder (

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