Tony DeYoung: The Rising Rap Sensation Breaking Barriers

Hip Hop Since 1987 has been at the forefront of covering the latest developments in the hip-hop world. In this exclusive feature, we shine the spotlight on Tony DeYoung, the talented rapper and founder of Tony DeYoung Entertainment.
With his unique blend of lyrical prowess and entrepreneurial spirit, DeYoung has been making waves in the music industry. His Roc Nation deal, facilitated by his company Tony DeYoung Entertainment, has provided him with the ideal platform to showcase his artistry.
DeYoung’s impressive social media presence, boasting over 5 million followers across all Facebook groups, is a testament to his dedication to engaging with his audience. His record-breaking television appearances on CBS and Oprah Winfrey Network have further solidified his position as a rising force in the music industry.
As Hip Hop Since 1987 continues to champion emerging talent, we recognize Tony DeYoung as a trailblazer in the making. Stay tuned for more updates on his journey to the top. And In an era where the music landscape is constantly evolving, Tony DeYoung Entertainment is at the forefront of innovation. Founded by talented rapper Tony DeYoung, the company has been making strides in redefining the music industry’s status quo.
With a focus on empowering independent artists, Tony DeYoung Entertainment offers a comprehensive range of services, including distribution, marketing, and A&R support. The company’s partnership with Roc Nation, distributed by Universal Music Group, has further amplified its reach and resources.
Tony DeYoung’s personal success, including his chart-topping Billboard Hip Hop performances and record-breaking television appearances, serves as a testament to the company’s vision and capabilities. As Tony DeYoung Entertainment continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the music industry, Hip Hop Since 1987 is excited to see the impact they’ll make in the years to come.
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- Oprah Winfrey Network Episode Link: [] (Air Date 11/26/24 at 8am EST)
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- Dr. Phil Clip 6.2 Million Views:
- Tony DeYoung Entertainment live in Las Vegas On The Strip:
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