Upgr8de: A Journey from Poetry to Prolifc Hip-Hop

Introducing Houston Jones, better known by his stage name Upgr8de, a versatile artist making waves in the hip-hop scene. Born on April 27 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Upgr8de is a songwriter and rapper with a unique journey that transcends typical narratives.
Not tethered to any label, Upgr8de embraces various genres but thrives primarily in the realm of hip-hop. The artist’s creative journey began at the age of 11, when he started writing poetry. By the age of 14, he had recorded his frst song, “Down with the Crew,” laying the foundation for a prolifc career.
The stage name “Upgr8de” was bestowed upon him by an OG who recognized his aversion to staying on the same level. Refecting on his music, Upgr8de describes it as prolifc, motivating, story-telling, and heart-breaking – a powerful blend that resonates with listeners on a deep level.
Upgr8de’s creative process draws from a rich well of experiences, whether personal, from friends, or even strangers. His come-up story is one of resilience and transformation, navigating the challenges of life and evolving from dice games and street life to a legitimate musical path.
Inspired by a childhood of limited expression and being misunderstood, music became Upgr8de’s outlet. It played a pivotal role in shaping his outlook on life, ofering a means of communication when words fell short. Join us on the extraordinary journey of Upgr8de, where poetry meets the prolifc in a narrative that defes expectations.
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