Reality Childs is taking life by storm with his latest “Reality” Album

The rap artist from North Philadelphia, Wallace “Reality Childs” Battle is taking life by storm with his latest “Reality” Album. Coming off the heels of his documentary, “Grace Thruuu The Fire” streaming on Amazon Prime, he is utilizing every God-Given gift that he has. Reality Childs is a well-known figure in the city of Philadelphia and plans to take that same energy and make it a household name. His album is out now featuring his new single, “It’s Lit Over Here” streaming on all platforms. It will have you grooving to the catchy beat laced with simple but straightforward lyrics.

Reality Childs may garner fans from around the world with his music, but his greatest fans are found in his community. They come together on RC Day which is a day for the community to have fun while skating, dancing and creating Vision Boards to name a few. He focuses on events that will get the discouraged through some of their trauma from violence. The goal is to keep the community engaged with projects that range from after school programs to physical fitness (boxing, skating and more). “He established the Grace Thruuu The Fire Project in 2006. Many have been on the road to healing from his efforts of pouring love back into the community. They are the reflection of that love”, states Publicist Lynn Hobson.

Keep up with this mega achiever via social media at @RealityChilds

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